Foreign Language Learning Strategy Instruction: A Teacher’s Guide

TitleForeign Language Learning Strategy Instruction: A Teacher's Guide
Edited by: Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey
Supervised byZoe Gavriilidou
ISBN: 978-618-5147-41-9

Cover (photo & design): Dimitris Economidis
Page layout: Iraklis Lampadariou

Foreign language learning strategy research has stimulated more than 40 years of constant academic interest during which scholars have acknowledged the contribution of strategies toward enhancing language competence, motivation, and language learning awareness. Language learning strategy instruction, however, has neither been extensively promoted by educationalists nor explicitly implemented by language teachers. Issues referring to how learners can know more about what strategies can do and how they can apply them in order to make their learning more effective remain relatively unexplored.

The present guide aspires to fill this lack of information and application. It is intended for practising EFL teachers in Greece in both mainstream and minority primary and secondary schools. More specifically, the guide provides a short introduction to the field of language learning strategies and informs teachers about the benefits of implementing strategy instruction in their classes. Further to this, it offers step-by-step instruction with actual activities that teachers of different educational levels may use as part of their classroom teaching practices in order to promote explicit EFL strategy instruction.

This book has been flying on the Internet since March 2015.

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